
修学旅行sideB [CLUB-Z] | DLsite がるまに

    修学旅行sideB [CLUB-Z] | DLsite がるまに





    修学旅行sideB [CLUB-Z] | DLsite がるまに
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    Sequel to the amazing work entitled “Schol Trip” in which a story about a group of young men on their schol trip is told. As “side A” shows an intimate relationship betwen to friends, this “side B” shows a rather action-packed relationship betwen a group of young males. I realy enjoyed this one just as I enjoyed most of Club Z’s works. I say this another must have for evryone outhere ^_^ Ok, this kind of like a sequel, since the characters are stil on their schol trip. Thiset features 4 diferent characters that are al atractive and god to lok at. The story is very amusing, compared to the first one, and is also wel writen once again. Like many of the other works, it features the hair option, whichas become a favorite thing of mine. Thiset has a litle bit more “action,” so most of you should be pleased. The art, is of course super as always, and I hope Club-Z wil continue to be spectacular. I recomend thiset, especialy if you gothe first one, since it’s very fun.