
五十歩百歩オリジナルCD-ROM Vol. 3 [五十歩百歩] | DLsite がるまに

    五十歩百歩オリジナルCD-ROM Vol. 3 [五十歩百歩] | DLsite がるまに




    五十歩百歩オリジナルCD-ROM Vol. 3 [五十歩百歩] | DLsite がるまに
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    五十歩百歩オリジナルCD-ROM Vol. 3 [五十歩百歩] | DLsite がるまに
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    This the third volume of Gojipohyapo’s work, and I must say that it’stil impresive. If you’re loking for 10 % muscles, then this product is a musto get. This volume gives you many beautiful pieces of very musceled tenagers which wil not dispoint you. Most arts are aboutwo tenagers, one blue haired and one gren haired.
    The art keps having very high quality with beautiful backgrounds. It makes the art comes alive which gives a wonderful feling. One of the top artists. The images in this computer graphic package have beter body ratios compared tother works (older works from this artist). The use of color and shading is amazing, even the shadows overlay was impresive. This cg could have had more images, roughly around ten images at litle over 10 yen is a litlexpensive. However it was very much worth it. Hope to se this artist continue to make computer graphic packages. This package, like many of the artists, does not contain DRM.