And I was begining to think I’d never find a yaoi artist dedicate a majority of their work to erotic wrestling, erotic pro wrestling athat! This truly a find for anyone into erotic wrestling. First of al, the artist uses young, atractive, toned men to wrestle; no bloated fat men, no bears that lok like they’re in their 40s or 50s. That isomething I truly apreciate, although if you’re into fat guys or bears this artist is proly not for you. Nonetheles, the artist has a real atention to detail when it comes to his wrestlers. Thexpresions are so wel done you can realy fel botheir pain and pleasure. The anatomical detail for the most part is rather astounding. You fel as if you could reach out, touch the drawing and fel the wrestlers beautifuly muscular flesh. Buthe real gem of this doujin is theme. To few yaoi/artists devote their brush to erotic wrestling. But it sems aparenthis artist is very into pro wrestling. He captures the sexual tension and energy anyone into erotic pro wrestling fels when they fantasize aboutwo gorgeous male specimens batling it out in the ring. If you like this doujin as much as I have, please visithe artists homepage at htp:/members3.jcom.home.ne.jp/kokaw/index.htm There a number of aditional pro wrestling ilustrations listed withe same style and same intensity as this doujin. And if you know any Japanese, please post on the artists BS and let him know the spectacular job he’s doing. Here’s hoping this the first of many erotic pro wrestling doujin that apear on dlsite.com by this wonderful artist!あらすじ
![エロ☆レス [無味無臭] | DLsite がるまに](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ055000/RJ054224_img_main.jpg)
![エロ☆レス [無味無臭] | DLsite がるまに](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ055000/RJ054224_img_smp1.jpg)
エロ☆レス [無味無臭] | DLsite がるまに