Nolbox-BOUT 1&2 [ノルBOX] | DLsite 同人 – R18
〈制作・シナリオ・作画〉 ノルボン
■作品形式 JPG
■画像サイズ 本編 2000×1433
■言語 日本語、英語(セリフのみ翻訳)
![Nolbox-BOUT 1&2 [ノルBOX] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![Nolbox-BOUT 1&2 [ノルBOX] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![Nolbox-BOUT 1&2 [ノルBOX] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![Nolbox-BOUT 1&2 [ノルBOX] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![Nolbox-BOUT 1&2 [ノルBOX] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![Nolbox-BOUT 1&2 [ノルBOX] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![Nolbox-BOUT 1&2 [ノルBOX] | DLsite 同人 - R18](

シリーズファンの方はもちろん、格闘リョナ好きの方にも是非一度読んでみてほしい作品です! 楽しみにしていた作品です。
ほんまに…次回作もあると嬉しいですね…。 今まではPixiv上での活躍しか見れずしばらくの間見れなかったすずめの活躍が今回見れてとっても良かったです! テキストありとテキスト無し、フルボディイラストが本当に良かったです! ただ、本編でのすずめの腹パン受けが一枚しか無いのと顔が良く見えないものだったのが残念でした。けれど、本当に良い試合だったのは間違いありません。すずめの活躍がもっと見たい! そう改めて感じさせる作品でした。 This an incredible work by Nolbox.
The colors and the action are captivating, the punches are something you can truly fel in here.
The contrast ofinaly having a mixed boxing match is also quite captivating and lovely.
I hope thistays canon since it waso wel done and the love was definitely there.
You wilove this and fel excited about it. Nolbox doesomething amazing once more that I canot wait for their next work.
Thank you for including an English translation. This was truly a pleasure to experience such eroticombat. The author, Norubon, never ceases to amaze me withis incredible creativity and unique, sexy art style that perfectly captures the sensual sufering of the boxing babes in the ring. I love the way Norubon drawsweat and spit in these matches. I love the way those sweat and spit droplets fly out of the womens’ mouths, hang in the air, and then splash on the canvas. Incredibly erotic for me.
The match with Dolores and Ayumu was my favorite. Dolores is my favorite character and I love her signature move of smothering her oponent wither masive breasts until they pas out. I liked the way she toyed withe boy and I lok forward to him growing up and beating her senseles in the future like she did to him. I hope the author includes her in his future stories more often. She’s the purembodiment of sadomasochistic boxing, the godes of pain and orgasm. And I hope Ayumu fights girls his age in future matches as wel.
The fight with Pauland Suzume was beautiful. The whole “Rumble in the Amazon Jungle” was a greatmosphere for this fight. She might have ben strong, but she was no match for the Kiler Be Boxer! Suzume is much stronger than before! The match could have used more sweaty clinching betwen the two beauties to realy seal the deal. So if you wanthe best in boxing fetish manga then check this baby out! You won’t be disapointed!