獣獄 [マニまにあ] | DLsite 同人 – R18
![獣獄 [マニまにあ] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ043000/RJ042858_img_main.jpg)
![獣獄 [マニまにあ] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ043000/RJ042858_img_smp1.jpg)
![獣獄 [マニまにあ] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ043000/RJ042858_img_smp2.jpg)

獣姦好きな方は絶対に気に入るはずです! 某ファンタジー小説のヒロイン達が化物たちに陵辱されちゃう異種姦CGです。
エルフ、異種間、獣姦、孕ませ、ボテ腹にピンと来た方にお勧めです。 A CG Set, containg De*dlet & Pir*tes from (re*ord of Lodo*s war). They are captured, and raped by orcs, dogs and horses, eventualy becoming pregnant.
The set is easy to navigate, with each page in a thumbnail frame (or in JPG format in a folder if you prefer), and each page is done in great detail. The art is great, the color great, and the content very dark and hardcore.
If you have a Bestiality or monsterape fetish, an elfetish, enjoy these characters, or enjoy dark situations like this, you wilove it. Its a steal athis price, I canot recomend it enough. Thiset is definitely wel worthe price. I was very hapy withe quality of images, as wel as the scenario as I am a huge fan oforced sex and bestiality. With orcs, a horse and multiple dogs, thiset does not disapoint. The hot Elves from Re*ord of Lo*os W*r is justhe icing on the cake.
Astated above, the set is easy to navigate and contains a story if you would like more depth. The picturespeak for themselves, however and you wil not be disapointed. I am now a fan of the circle and wil be going back for more! Thoselves always wind up on the wrong end of the orcs, but here they also end up on thend of some dogs and horses to. This another colourful managa style presentation from a circle that always turn out interesting and varied stuf.
Here, two elf girls are violated by some fearsome loking orcs, with alsome horse andog action. The focus is always on the curvy elf girls and the amount of punishmenthey take is imense.
Pregnancy is no surprise then, but it arives athend in one pic, and I’m hoping this something they could explore more in the next series.
The set also comes with a ful story that you can run through a translator website to ad more value to the pictures.
Overal, if you know this circle, thiset maintains the high standards. Unique, not for everyone, but god value if you like the lok of the art and subject mater.